five element acupuncture Nature's way of bringing you Health in Harmony |
Sahaja Yoga
Sahaja Yoga is a wonderful form of meditation and not an exercise as practiced in other forms of yoga. In fact, the word yoga actually means 'union' and Sahaja 'spontaneous'. Therefore, Sahaja Yoga is a system of meditation with the aim of helping a person find 'spontaneous unity' with the energy of the universe.
As a result of regularly practicing Sahaja Yoga, many health benefits can be experienced, both physically and mentally. This is achieved through activating a powerful internal form of energy, called Kundalini, which once activated begins to cleanse your subtle-system, comprised of 7 chakras until union is achieved.
Sahaja Yoga, also works in a similar way to five element acupuncture in that it recognises, and uses the elements of Nature to achieve its aims. Therefore, it is highly recommended a person also looks to complement acupuncture with Sahaja Yoga meditation, as something they can do for themselves to further heighten results.
However, to do so, it is also recommended that a person attends one of the free classes located throughout London, the U.K or indeed around the world. To find out more click on one of these links freemeditation.com, sahajayoga.org.uk.
the meantime, one wonderful technique Sahaja Yoga uses, which I also
suggest my clients use, is 'footsoaking'. This can be done at anytime
throughout the day but is most effective just before going to bed, to
help cleanse and allow the 'buzz of the day' to subside. Thus allowing
for a restful nights sleep.
To footsoak, you'll need a bowl (only for footsoaking), a jug of water,
some salt, a towel and a comfortable seat. To heighten the experience, you can
also use a lighted-candle (Fire) and set up an area which you use
First of all, fill the bowl with lukewarm Water (or cooler if
preferred) at least enough to cover your ankles. Then sprinkle a handful of
salt (Metal) into the water (used for cleansing) sit comfortably in the
chair (Wood) and place both uncovered feet into the water. Hang both
arms at the side of the chair for a few minutes to allow the Earth
element to absorb and neutralise any troublesome energy.
Then bring both hands up and place them turned upwards on your lap.
Close your eyes and concentrate your awareness at the top of your head, and try
to allow all thoughts to pass in 'thoughtless awareness'. Sit there in this
position for as long as feels comfortable, even 5-minutes performed regularly
will help greatly.
Once finished, simply open your eyes and when ready, take out and rinse
your feet with the water from the jug, before drying them with the towel. Then
throw the water in the bowel straight down the toilet, swill and repeat.
You will then be ready for bed, and a sound nights sleep...
Footsoak, Footsoak, it ain't no joke!
Footsoak, Footsoak, whether rich or broke
Footsoak, Footsoak, here's where to begin...
Just fill up a bowl, if your head's in a spin
Sit straight down, and put your feet right in
Footsoak, Footsoak, if still in doubt
Footsoak, Footsoak, just wiggle 'em about
Footsoak, Footsoak, and let it all drain out...
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